Although bivariate associations yielded inconsistent results, in a regression analysis Masculinity-Femininity, national income, shame, and crying frequency emerged as significant predictors of mood change, all in the anticipated direction.
Neither ethnicity nor socioeconomic status was significantly related to any of the variables examined. It may be that crying has not been significantly affected by changing gender role expectations in the last 15 years.
Women cried more often and for longer and with more intensity than men.The sex difference was especially marked for situations involving criticism from others, anger, or problems with work, where men were particularly unlikely to cry, and least for those situations Darwin described as involving tender feelings.
Bis zum 13. Lebensjahr weinen Jungen und Mädchen etwa gleich häufig. Später ändert sich das Bild: Männer weinen 6- bis 17-mal pro Jahr, Frauen 30- bis 64-mal. Männer lassen zwei bis vier Minuten lang die Tränen kullern, Frauen dagegen sechs Minuten. Weinen geht bei 65 Prozent der Frauen in Schluchzen über, aber nur bei sechs Prozent der Männer.
T tests for sex differences were conducted for each of the 35 acts of manipulation for each of the four instruments. Although significant sex differences occasionally emerged for a given instrument, only one act showed significant sex differ- ences across more than one data source. For example, the item “He or she whines until I do it” showed greater female than male performance frequencies for the observer data source in the instigation condition, t(90) = 2.82, p < .006.
Following recall of a conflict involving direct aggression and role-playing a reaction to it, compared with men, women reported their anger would dissipate less quickly and they would take longer to reconcile. Women also exhibited increased heart rate, but little change in cortisol, whereas men exhibited little change in heart rate but increased cortisol production.
To test Kaplan’s hypothesis, the sex ratios of all of the DSM-III Axis II personality disorders were determined in 2 samples of 2,712 and 531 patients. Histrionic and dependent personality disorders were more commonly diagnosed in females, and antisocial personality disorder was more commonly diagnosed in males.
The general trend shows that girls do better at the younger ages and their performance declines relative to boys among older age groups, which supports the developmental theory. The sex difference for the DAT as a whole for 18 year olds is a 4.3 IQ advantage for boys, very close to the advantage that can be predicted from their larger brain size (4.4 IQ points).
We find that there is a negative correlation between being female and the overall, and individual, correct answers to CRT questions. Monetary incentives do not impact performance.
Replicating previous research, participants exhibited traditional sex differences when stating the importance of physical attractiveness and earning prospects in an ideal partner and ideal speed date. However, data revealed no sex differences in the associations between participants’ romantic interest in real-life potential partners (met during and outside of speed dating) and the attractiveness and earning prospects of those partners.