1975年の研究を紹介します。猿山のボスになったアルファのアカゲザルは、テストステロンが上昇し そのアルファに従属した猿のテストステロン値は ベースラインから80%低下しました。この研究は、ランダムに選んだオス4匹 メス13匹で社会集団を形成させることで調べられました。
The male who became dominant [alpha] showed a progressive increase in plasma testosterone. The male who became subordinate to the other three males showed an 80% fall in testosterone from baseline levels.
Consequences of social conflict on plasma testosterone levels in rhesus monkeys
After 7 weeks, this group was introduced to a well-established breeding group, and all four males became subordinate to all members of the breeding group. All four males evidenced a fall in testosterone during the first week after introduction, and within 6 weeks their levels were approximately–80% of pre-introduction values.
Consequences of social conflict on plasma testosterone levels in rhesus monkeys
元々の大きなグループのアルファオスは、自分のグループの防衛に成功し テストステロン値が238%増加したことも示されました。
The alpha male of the breeding group showed a large increase in testosterone [238%] 24 hr after he successfully defended his group and became the dominant animal of the larger, newly-formed group.
Consequences of social conflict on plasma testosterone levels in rhesus monkeys