心理学入門コースの32人の学部生は、大学進学を考えていない高校3年生と話したときはVDR = 0.92だったが、大学進学を考えていない高校3年生と話したときはVDR = 0.59でした。
Here is a sample of the data: when speaking to each other, ROTC officers exhibited ratios of 1.06, while ROTC cadets speaking to officers had ratios of 0.61;32 undergraduates in an introductory psychology course scored 0.92 when talking to a person they believed to be a high school senior who did not plan to go to college but 0.59 when talking to a person they believed to be a college chemistry honor student accepted into a prestigious medical school
Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior
専門家の男性が自分の専門分野について女性に話すとVDR = 0.98、専門家の女性が女性の専門分野について話すとVDR = 0.61、専門家の女性が専門家でない男性に話すとVDR = 1.04、専門家でない女性が専門家の男性に話すとVDR = 0.54点でした。
33 expert men speaking to women about a subject in their own field scored 0.98, while men talking to expert women about the women’s field, 0.61; expert women speaking to nonexpert men scored 1.04, and nonexpert women speaking to expert men scored 0.54.34 These studies were all performed on Americans.
Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior