2018年の研究を紹介します。笑顔やアイコンタクトは関係構築しようとする意欲と関連があり、直接的な行動(話しかける、身体的な接近)は間接的な行動(アイコンタクトや笑顔)よりも自分の魅力と関連があり、拒絶されたらどうしよう という不安は魅力のアピールを減少させることがわかりました。
Key findings include: (a) that the specific behaviors associated with attraction (e.g., eye contact, smiling, laughter, mimicry) are those behaviors research has linked to the development of trust/rapport; (b) direct behaviors (e.g., physical proximity, talking to), compared with indirect behaviors (e.g., eye contact, smiling, mimicry), were more strongly related to self-reported attraction; and (c) evaluative threat salience (e.g., fear of rejection) reduced the magnitude of the relation between direct behavior and affective attraction.
A meta-analytic investigation of the relation between interpersonal attraction and enacted behavior.