

This investigation examined the influence of pre-exercise hydration status, and water intake during low intensity exercise (5.6 km · h−1 at 5% gradient) in the heat (33° C), on plasma testosterone (TEST), cortisol (CORT), adrenaline (A), and noradrenaline (NA) concentrations at baseline (BL), pre-exercise (PRE), and immediately (IP), 24 h (24 P), and 48 h postexercise (48 P). 

Effects of hydration state on plasma testosterone, cortisol and catecholamine concentrations before and during mild exercise at elevated temperature

1~2%の脱水とは「軽く喉が渇いたな」と感じる程度の脱水状態ですが それでも確実にテストステロンを減少させているのです。
