2018年の研究を紹介します。この研究は信頼できる137の研究を用いて横断的に解析されたメタ分析の論文で、サンプル数は n = 420,595 の大規模かつ信頼できる研究成果です。
Extraversion was positively related to sexual activity (r+ = .17) and risky sexual behavior (r+ = .18), and negatively related to symptoms of sexual dysfunction (r+ = -.17).
Linking big five personality traits to sexuality and sexual health: A meta-analytic review
Less robust evidence indicated that extraversion related negatively, and neuroticism positively, to child sexual abuse, and that openness related negatively to homophobic attitudes.
Linking big five personality traits to sexuality and sexual health: A meta-analytic review