
2017年 イェール大学(University of Yele)の研究を紹介します。論文の著者の中には成田悠輔氏が含まれます。


Notes: This table reports 2SLS estimates of exam school enrollment effects for four outcomes. Panel A shows estimates using propensity score controls; panel B reports 2SLS estimates controlling for preferences and tier. Models using school-specific offers are over-identified. The school-specific specification uses a uniform kernel, while the any offer specification uses the edge kernel. Estimates in this table were computed using the Imbens-Kalyanaraman bandwidth.

【大好評につき配信期間延長!】林修も唸った!イェール大学助教授・成田悠輔★経済・教育・・・思い込みを捨て、データを見ると新しい世界が( https://youtu.be/qrVXm5gv4tM?si=9uqeUmKLVP0H89vU)

Regression Discontinuity in Serial Dictatorship: Achievement Effects at Chicago’s Exam Schools
